love stories

Love in the BOI: Jessica and Brent

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Describe How You Two Originally Met.

We originally knew each other from high school, but He needed help finding pants for a dinner party in college, and I spent nearly an hour showing him around the store and helping him find a pair, all the while chatting and falling pretty hard. He spent the next month trying to track my number down, and finally sent his mom in for it, called me two days later, and we talked almost every night from then on. That was 17 years ago and so much has happened since.

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Describe Your First Date and/or First Memories Together.

Haha I went with him to a company Christmas party for his moms business and met his. Whole. Family! Thank goodness we were smitten and I really got along with everyone, we ended up at a friends house after dinner, and then a movie, and then talking until the wee morning hours, we didn’t want that first date to end.

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Why do you love living in Boise? Describe some of your favorite things to do in Boise and/or Idaho together.

We moved here while still dating, back in 2006, he had several job offers right out of college but we both decided Boise seemed like the best fit for our future together, so we made the leap and moved in together the summer after graduation. We were engaged 5 months later, married in March and bought our first home in Boise. We loved camping and hiking, we still do, but back then we could load up and get out of town anytime we wanted to, the mountains were our favorite place to be. Now with 3 kids our trips look a little different, but we still try to get out with them as often as possible, and we’ve introduced them to many of our old favorite camping spots, it’s fun to show the girls pictures of us camping there as newlyweds or with our first pup, and they look for the similarities of those spots to now.

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What advice do you have for those searching for love?

Have fun, take trips, and adventure together. I tell everyone I know who gets married to go on a few trips together before you get married, if you can still love each other while getting lost or reading a map or parking a camper or trailer, then your golden

Thank you Jessica & Brent for sharing your #LoveInTheBOI story! Give them a follow at @jnorrisr @bnorris82

Love in the BOI: Jaden and John

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Describe How You Two Originally Met.

John and I are both native to Boise, born and raised in this beautiful city. But we are 8 years apart. So we didn’t meet in high school or fall in love in college. We met at a bar! He was working at Taphouse and I was a teacher on summer vacation! It was a Tuesday, so it wasn’t going to be a crazy night, right? Well this is how the story goes: I was with a girl friend, and we had both just gotten out of long term relationships. I was definitely not looking for anything but my friend was. She thought John was super cute, so I told her to go for it girl! She started flirting and I started texting. Well about an hour went by and I started to get bored and I could tell they weren’t going anywhere. So I started to go back and forth with John, and he found out that I like fireball. He then started to feed me fireball... let’s just say I get chattier and sassier the more I drink. He loved it! I ended up helping him close the bar, yes I even mopped the kitchen. We explored a few more spots downtown, and ended at Pie Hole. This part I am not proud of...I proceeded to order and eat 4 pieces of pie hole pizza right in front of him.... really attractive, I know! At the end of the night he walked us to our car, don’t worry my friend stopped drinking hours prior. This is where our first magical kiss is suppose to take place, right? Well I gave him probably the worst, stiff kiss you could ever imagine. As I walked away from him I thought, he will never call.... We have now been together for 5 years, married for 1 and are expecting our first baby the same month we met! Life is a funny, magical thing!

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Describe Your First Date and/or First Memories Together.

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One of our first memories was the first time we went downtown together. We had just started talking, and hadn’t really spent any alone time together. We were sitting at Silly Birch when a friend of John’s came over and started talking to him. John introduced me and his friend said, is this your girlfriend? John’s response, “She will be.” Another one of our early memories was the first time John spent time with my family. My family is very close and my parents LOVE to go for long drives. My parents invited us to come along on their weekend drive, and somehow I suckered John into coming. Saying it would be fun and quick! Well we ended up taking the backroads from Cascade to Yellow Pine, which ended up being like a 6 hour drive. Nice and quick right?! Haha

Why do you love living in Boise? Describe some of your favorite things to do in Boise and/or Idaho together. *

We love Boise because there are so many things to do: hiking in the foothills with our pups, boating up at lucky peak, skiing at Tamarack and snowmobiling through the beautiful mountains! We also love traveling and exploring all the wonderful cities and towns Idaho has to offer. Some of our favs: Cascade, Moscow, Sun Valley, Orofino, Yellow Pine, Stanley, Blackfoot, Coeur d’Alene, Warren and Challis!

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What advice do you have for those searching for love? *

Love truly comes to those who least expect it! So don’t force love, let love come to you!

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Thank you Jaden & John for sharing your #LoveInTheBOI story! Give them a follow at @jadenfeggo4 @johnfeggo

LOVE IN THE BOI: Sara & Tony


How did you two meet?

We met playing volleyball at Camelsback park. When I first came to Boise from the Midwest on a clinical rotation, everyone was so welcoming and inviting. My friend and I actually found Diana early on during our rotation here through Boise Bucket List on social media, and at one of her events we met someone who then invited us to hang out with their friend which ultimately led to the invite to come play volleyball with a fun group of people, and I’m happy that Tony was out playing that day (: I had no idea then that we would stay in touch and I would end up moving to Boise permanently.

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Describe Your First Date

Sorry Tony I don’t remember what we would call our first official date. I know he probably made me dinner or something before this, but one of my favorite early memories together is when he wanted to show me Kirkham hot springs, and we didn’t really plan out if/where we would stay that evening but just ended up sleeping under the stars in the back of his truck. That might have been when I first fell in love... with his dog who was snuggled up next to us and keeping me warm that night 😂

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What are you favorite local things to do & places to go? 

Skiing/snowboarding Bogus Basin, hiking in the foothills, camping in the Sawtooths, soaking in hot springs, watching Tony play guitar at his church

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What is one word of advice you have to those who are still in search of love?

Say yes to opportunities here, including showing up to events posted on social media or going to a park to play games with a random group of people.. even if you don’t know anybody, people here are so welcoming and friendly, and you never know who you could meet!

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I met Sara when she attended a BSU tailgate event I was hosting back in 2018. She was here for an internship, and I’m so happy she found #LoveInTheBOI! Follow Sara and Tony on their adventures together at @sarajscarbs and @t_hubz

LOVE IN THE BOI: Rylee & Christopher

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How did you two meet?

Friend of a friend

Describe Your First Date

First big date we had, Chris surprised me and took me to the Del Mar fair in California and also surprised me with hunter hayes tickets so we got to go see him live after we walked around the fair. We made bracelets together their at the fair that resembles our love for each other! It was very magical. He is good with surprises!

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What are you favorite local things to do & places to go?

We love to go to 10 barrel brewery and get the sprouts there as well as getting a flight of beer! We love going to the hot springs in lowman. We love doing a lot of adventures and spontaneous things when we get days off together.

What is one word of advice you have to those who are still in search of love?

Just wait for the right one. Your time will come. Don’t rush anything! God will bring you THE ONE

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Thank you Rylee & Christopher for sharing your #LoveInTheBOI story! Make sure to follow them on Instagram at @ryleecorrsles and @chrisfleenor_

LOVE IN THE BOI: Alexis & Isaac

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He was the quiet star soccer player known as Beckham Jr. She was the outgoing one who ended asking him to dance at a mutual friend’s birthday party. This is Alexis & Isaac’s #LoveInTheBOI story

How did you two meet?

Isaac & I met in our high school english class. He was the sweet quiet one, I was the crazy loud one! He was the star soccer player at our school, everyone called him Beckham Jr. (in reference to David Beckham) We hadn't really talked much in school, but one night my best friend & I went to her boyfriends birthday party. I barely knew anyone there... Once I saw Isaac was there I asked him to dance with me & the rest is history!

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Describe Your First Date

Our first date wasn't really a date at all, I was convinced we were just friends, I swore I didn't like him. We went on a double date as friends, ice skating. On our drive home he held my hand and I remember feeling so giddy. We texted for a while after that. I started going to his soccer games & making him signs saying "Go Beckham Jr" and even a huge sign for his senior night (no really three people had to help me hold it up)

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What are you favorite local things to do & places to go

We moved to Boise 4 years ago at the young age of 19. When we arrived here we knew this would be home! We love being downtown & checking out all the little shops and new restaurants! Some of our favorite places are Matador, 10 Barrel, and Taphouse for brunch!

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What is one word of advice you have to those who are still in search of love?

Love is beautiful, captivating, all consuming. Never stop searching for your other half, never lower your standards. The perfect person is out there for you! Some love takes time to develop, you may not even know that it is happening at first, but once you find someone you couldn't picture your life without, don't give up on them. Don't let go.

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**UPDATE: Alexis & Isaac were engaged last week! Isaac reenacted their first date together from 5 years ago. He asked for Alexis parents’ blessing. He even included her sister to help surprise Alexis! Cheers to their #LoveInTheBOI story. Make sure to follow Alexis at @gardnerknows and Isaac at @dbeckham23 fo all their adventures.

LOVE IN THE BOI: Jessie & Jacob

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Meet Jessie & Jacob. What started as a Tinder message & Snapchat exchanges has led to #LoveInTheBOI. Here’s their story!

How did you two meet?

We actually met on Tinder. We ended up matching on the weekend and began talking on there. He was visiting his sister in Corvallis, Oregon where I was finishing up my bachelors degree at OSU at the time. After a couple days he ended up asking "Do you want to see my cats?" Not sure how to take that, I ended up saying sure. He snapchat photos of his two little cats to me and then we ended up talking and video chatting all day and most of the night every day for about 6 weeks. He initially didn't tell me he lived in Washington, which was about 4.5 hour drive from where I was living, so we had to coordinate to finally meet up and have a first date.

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Describe Your First Date

Our first date was at a brewpub and a Saint Patrick's day festival. He picked me up from where I worked in Corvallis and we ended up drinking beer and talking for a few hours. Then the next day, we ended up going to a St. Patrick's day festival that the local Irish pub was putting on where we drank green beer, watched irish dancing, and danced around. We started "officially" dating then and it was a really fun time.

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What are you favorite local things to do & places to go?

Jacob ended up following me to Boise, Idaho since I got a job here right out of my master's program. We are both beer enthusiasts as Jacob home brews and I like to drink it, our favorite things are to check out all the different breweries in town. We're pleasantly surprised by the variety here! We also enjoy going to Steelhead games, front street fights, and check out the Saturday Market as much as we can. We look forward to going hiking and getting to snowboard. We got engaged at the Frightened Felons night at the Idaho State Penitentiary (we're both big lovers of all things Halloween) and will be getting married on Halloween this year in Idaho!

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What is one word of advice you have to those who are still in search of love? 

Don't search for it. Sometimes, you think something is meant to be and then all of a sudden, someone pops up and changes everything. We were both in a place where we were not necessarily looking for a person but then we met each other and it was like finding someone I've known forever.

Thank you Jessie & Jacob for sharing your #LoveInTheBOI story! Make sure you follow them on social media at @jessbutchino and @jakeschwehr

LOVE IN THE BOI: Stephen and Alyssa

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Meet Alyssa and Stephen. One was playing professional baseball for the Boston Red Sox. The other was a nursing student. A blissful summer in 2008 led to a winter to remember in December. Here’s their #LOVEINTHEBOI story

How did you two meet?

Stephen is from Boise, but I met him in Lowell Massachusetts where I just finished nursing school and where he was starting his first year of pro baseball after being drafted by the Boston Red Sox .

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Describe Your First Date

We hung out all summer of 2008 on the east coast where he was playing baseball. I didn’t know where Idaho was on the map, so he drew me a picture of the northwest half of the country on a napkin. We had a fun summer together, but our love story began December 2008 when I flew to Boise to visit him. He wanted to give me a good taste of Boise so he had every day romantically planned out. The itinerary included a wine tasting at Ste chapels winery, different restaurants and breweries downtown, botanical gardens Christmas lights, a drive up Bogus Basin with a milky way latte from Moxie Java and finally a trip up to McCall to his families cabin where he asked me to be his girlfriend. He wanted me to fall in love with him, and Boise. It worked. After a 10 year long professional baseball career, we moved here with our two sons last February to raise our boys!

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What are you favorite local things to do & places to go?

Indian creek winery, western collective, table rock, Bavarian brewery, The Springs, hikes, Boise balloon classic, Boise state football games, bogus basin for summer outdoor music and the mountain roller coaster, berry and apple picking in Emmett, McCall for the snow and all the various local festivals year round!

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What is one word of advice you have to those who are still in search of love?

Find a boy from Idaho!

They have way better manners than most of the states! Volunteer at church or hang out a places you enjoy so you find someone with similar interests and beliefs.

Make sure you follow these two on social media at Alyssakeri59 and Salt.Fife

LOVE IN THE BOI: Kortney & Teddy

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What happens with parents act as matchmakers? #LoveInTheBOI. Meet Kortney and Teddy. This is their love story

How did you two meet?

I (Kortney) was living in Provo Utah living my life, I was really focused on my career and didn’t put much effort into dating. little did I know my mom was playing match maker! Teddy is originally from Middleton Idaho, he was attending college in Rexburg at the time. My mom who works at Costco was helping one of the members( Teddy’s dad) with his membership card. They started talking about how great their children are, like every proud parent, they exchanged our numbers, ig handles, and pictures! my mom called me and told me I needed to add the guy on IG, meanwhile Teddy’s dad was telling him he needs to take me on a date. Teddy at first wasn’t convinced he should take me on a date. I added him on IG, within hours I received a dm from Teddy. We have talked everyday since then. Teddy moved back to Middleton while I was still living in Utah, he would come visit me almost every weekend a few months into date I just knew he was the one! I moved to Idaho and a year later we are engaged!!!!

Describe Your First Date 

Oh man!! Our first date was at the amusement park Lagoon in Utah! My very first time meeting Teddy in person he took me to Lagoon with one of his married friends and their brothers! Me being the only person who knew nobody and barely Teddy, I was going an hour and 30 mins away from my home to an amusement park! I was beyond nervous! Many thoughts were going through head like, what if he doesn't like me? what if I throw up? ya know girls can overthink. Well within the first five mins of our date I felt like i have known teddy my whole life. We screamed at the top of our lungs, laughed until we couldn't hold our cheeks up any longer. I didn't want the night to end!

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What are you favorite local things to do & places to go?

We love trying new restaurants in the area, riding bikes on the green belt, paddle boarding and exploring different areas of Idaho!

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What is one word of advice you have to those who are still in search of love?

Love comes when you least expect it!! Love your life and who you are and when your person comes into your life it will that much more amazing!!

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Follow @Kortmckell and @teddyahyou for more of their journey. Thank you Kortney and Teddy for sharing your #LoveInTheBoi story!

LOVE IN THE BOI: Kelsey & Kyle

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Imagine your first date is stargazing out in the hills, but you then get stopped by cops becaue you went off-roading for the best views! Meet Kelsey & Kyle, and here is their #LoveInTheBOI story

How did you two meet?

We met while I was dispatching for the BLM in my hometown in Nevada and he was down in the area as a firefighting (so I was essentially dispatching him). His captain brought their crew in to “tour” dispatch and get eyes on the new seasonal dispatcher.

Describe Your First Date

Our first date was stargazing out in the hills. We had weird work schedules and only really got to see each other at night for a while. Definitely got stopped by the cops while we were off-roading to the best view (FUN FACT: we also got stopped by the cops on our second and third dates).

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What are you favorite local things to do & places to go?

We like going to local breweries like Sockeye and Barbarian, riding bikes on the Greenbelt, exploring local restaurants (Big City and Barbacoa are faves!), going to concerts, enjoying the hiking and camping close to the valley, playing pool at Q’s and The Pocket, and whatever other local shenanigans come our way!

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What is one word of advice you have to those who are still in search of love? 

Find your best friend, don’t go in to a relationship wanting to change the other person, challenge and encourage each other daily to be your best self.

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LOVE IN THE BOI: Ellis and Jackie

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What happens when you look past a bad first impression? Marrying your best friend & finding #LoveInTheBOI. Meet Ellis and Jackie, and this is their love story

How did you two meet?

We met in college at an on campus, food services position in Indiana (at the other BSU). Oh lord, first impressions were definitely NOT a thing. This boy came in singing at the top of his lungs. All I could think was, “I can’t work with this guy for two hours...” 🤦🏻‍♀️

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But there’s more…

Haha Well, when I got into school I wasn’t much of a social butterfly around people I didn’t really know. I kind of made up my mind that I was never going to date someone in a fraternity because all you hear about frat guys and NEVER date someone younger than me. “All” guys are less mature when they’re younger. Well, that mostly worked with all the guys I dated prior.

Then, one day I was working a shift at the atrium and I was waiting for the new person to come in. I had seen his name on the sheet for my shift, but had NO idea who he was. At this point I had worked there for a couple years and really didn’t have the patience for newbies. When it was time for him to come in he came in singing at the top of his lungs who knows what’s wrong.

All I remember thinking was, oh my goodness why?! At this time I actually had a boyfriend so I wasn’t even thinking about guys in that way. So, time goes by, we just really ever saw each other at work. Sometimes a couple of my other girlfriends and I would ask him if he wanted to go to the bars and what not… Which he couldn’t because he was only 19.

Eventually my boyfriend at the time and I broke up. I was giving Ellis advice on girls at work and he would do the same for me and ask all kinds of questions. About eight months later, after realizing that this frat boy wasn’t like the stories and I could be ‘me’ around him, I finally gave him my number. It took him two weeks to text me!! Come to find out, like this year, he had actually messaged me a couple months prior asking if I wanted to go to coffee. I kind of blew him off… By kind of I mean I actually really did blow him off. I basically told him that I had homework and I’d have to let him know! Eventually it was time for Christmas Break, so we both went our own ways, in which I thought very little of. When we got back we had to have a training session for our job and he actually saved me a seat. I kind of gave my girlfriends what the heck look and sat behind him instead! Months later, four to be exact, after working together, we both finally realized we want to hang out and get to know each other.  

He invited me over to have popcorn and watch a movie… But that’s totally not what happened. He called me as I was on my way to his house and let me know that his fraternity was having a party at his house for a big and little sis. At the time, I had NO clue what it was. Essentially, one of his frat brothers gets completely wasted and “gains a little sister”. when I finally got there I had to carry this brother up the stairs to the house because he couldn’t walk anymore. That was just the start to this crazy night! I get in there and Ellis kind of pulls me to the side and says by the way, there is a girl that may have an issue with you being here. I was a little caught off guard because I didn’t know about any other girls. Come to find out this girl and he had texted off and on, but she never really committed to seeing him. So he just kinda let it go. I was pretty uncomfortable at the party already, but now there was this random girl.

Towards the middle of the party he comes up to me and says just so you know, the girl is here, and she wants to go outside and talk. If you want you can go into my room and hang out there until I get back. This… Is when you are supposed to run! In the back of my head I thought all I have to do is leave and then I never have to see him again. But I didn’t. I went to his room found a WARM Keystone tall boy...(ew!) and chugged it to take the edge off. While I waited a few of his frat brothers came in and introduce themselves and made me feel welcomed until Ellis came back. Turns out, the girl was pretty upset that he was there with me and yelled at him for 45 minutes! Ellis came back into his room with the saddest most defeated face. He walked in and apologized. And when you thought it was over, it wasn’t! The girls “big sis” came in as continued yelling at him. SMH! Finally, when it was over, he close the door so I donis bed and looked at me in the eyes. He asked me, “so will you be my girlfriend?” 😳

I told him that we should probably let everything simmer down for a bit… Proceeded to do “chubby bunny” which essentially is squishing my face and asking the bus driver to open the door. I got a chuckle out of them and then we ended up staying together that night out of pure wanting to be around each other. The next day we finally decided that we would date and made it official. However I never did say yes!

Not until he asked me to marry him about a year and a half later…

Describe Your First Date.

Oh dear… Technically we didn’t have a first date right away and we can’t agree on what our first date actually was! Let’s be honest, it’s been a minute. We hung out with friends and at work most of the time. He thinks our first date was one night where we played one on one basketball, but he was late. The gym ended up closing 10 minutes after he finally got there! Afterwards, we ended up talking until 4:30 in the morning. In fact, I was 2 1/2 hours late to my job the next day because I slept through my alarms!

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Now, I would say that our first date actually occurred when I came out to Idaho to spend a month with him and his family. We were on our way to Cortolane and stopped at a Mexican restaurant. Worst. Food. Ever! Now that didn’t matter though… We had a blast in the car jamming out to music and talking on our way! We ended up camping and then making the drive back the next day. Fast forward about two years and we would be doing the same thing at Lake Cascade, only this time he asked me to spend the rest of our lives’ adventures together.

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What are you favorite local things to do & places to go?

We LOVE riding from Ann Morrison into downtown (no matter the weather), checking out Brew Pubs, and hitting the hill for some skiing, boarding, hiking, or mountain biking!

What is one word of advice you have to those who are still in search of love?


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Thanks to kickboxing, I’ve personally met Jackie and Ellis. Jackie is kicking butt (literally) in class, and sometimes I see Ellis join her. Head over to @jackie_pintar & follow her.

Thank you Jackie & Ellis for sharing your #LoveInTheBOI story!